All our FiberCities® have a citywide infrastructure footprint that helps to close the digital divide in a city.
We don’t redline or cherry pick, we construct through every street, past every home and business regardless of demographics, giving everyone the opportunity to connect. For some areas of a city this can be life changing, by enabling access to better educational and employment resources.
We construct one network for all service providers negating overbuilding which causes extensive damage and repeat disruption to cities.
The network has unlimited capacity for internet and next generation services now and forever.
You will only ever need a FiberCity® network for all current and future needs, our network is resilient and reliable and designed in such a way it has superfluous capacity.
Gigabit speeds future proof bandwidth and connectivity for years to come.
Enables Smart City and Internet of Things applications to enable a great city to work, live and play in.
Fiber networks drive economic development and provide opportunities for cities to grow.
Providing new revenue streams via increased economic development and access to Smart City applications.
Funding, building and operating 100% fiber networks citywide.
We promote a healthy non monopolistic playing field for all providers which drives competitive prices and great customer service.
Our open access networks enable service providers of all sizes the opportunity to access new markets without the cost of constructing a network.
Our open access networks mean the ISP can concentrate on delivering a great broadband service not on construction.
Sharing a common infrastructure means competition is centred around providing the best service and customer support.
Our unique open access model promotes a healthy competitive environment for multiple service providers to deliver their services upon, stimulating choice and better customer service. We are shaping how the industry operates, breaking down the traditional monopoly in a broadband network and separating it into three entities:
builds and owns the fiber in the ground
manages the active electronics on the network
deliver retail services to customers
We use the very latest construction technology to ensure an expedited deployment with limited disruption to the city and its residents and businesses.
Read how Chatanooga, TN has generated $2.7 billion in city revenue in the last decade from a citywide, fiber, open access network
If you would like to find out more about becoming a FiberCity® contact SiFi Networks TODAY
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