3 June 2021 – SiFi Networks is set to launch its second West Coast FiberCity® in Placentia CA.
The privately funded citywide fiber network will pass every home and business in Placentia and enable the opportunity to access Smart City applications. Placentia is SiFi’s third FiberCity® and the second one in California.
Construction of the fiber network will commence in June with the entire network expected to be complete in 2023.
SiFi Networks has started to construct its fiber optic network in the neighboring City of Fullerton which has seen the first homes equipped with fiber and residents benefitting from extraordinary simultaneous internet speeds of up to 1 Gbps last year.
GigabitNow has been carefully selected as the first Internet Service Provider in Placentia, they have a proven track record for excellent customer service and a wide range of product offerings at competitive prices, and are one of the two Internet Service Providers in the neighbouring City of Fullerton.
“GigabitNow is excited to be expanding our partnership with SiFi Networks in delivering fast gigabit Internet services to the city of Placentia, California.” said Stephen Milton, CEO of GigabitNow. “Our gigabit Internet services surpass anything available today from existing providers in the city and continues our efforts in providing the best Internet experience possible to more communities across the United States.” said Steve Milton, CEO at GigabitNow.
High speed fiber networks are crucial infrastructure allowing for economic development to thrive in any city and Placentia is no exception. Placentia will also benefit from the ability to develop and sustain Smart City applications to improve the City’s services, transportation and environment to name just a few of the possibilities.
“The City is looking forward to the opportunity of working with SiFi Networks to construct and provide a privately funded citywide fiber optic network to our residents and businesses,” said Mayor Craig S. Green. “SiFi Networks will be working towards creating one of the region’s most advanced fiber optic networks as well as provide the opportunity to implement Smart City initiatives such as e-health and e-education.”
Once built, service providers will be able to deliver high-speed internet and other product offerings to our entire community, enabling more choices for Placentia residents,” said Council Member Jeremy Yamaguchi. “It is also a network that will reduce barriers in accessing the internet for those in the underserved community. We are excited to provide a future-proof backbone for the development of high-speed connectivity in our City.”
Placentia FiberCity® will be an open access network for service providers whether that be internet service providers, home security providers, cellular carriers or even educational providers.
“We are excited to begin construction in Placentia and look forward to getting to know the community while we deliver the greatest network it’s ever had.” said Ben Bawtree-Jobson CEO SiFi Networks.
“What makes our model unique is that it is not only the fastest and most reliable network but it’s also independently operated allowing service providers of all kinds to access the neutral network, that means the streets only need to be dug once” added Ben Bawtree-Jobson.
Phoebe Smith, chair of the Smart City Infrastructure Fund-SiFi Networks’ partnership and Investment Director at Whitehelm Capital, said: “Placentia FiberCity® continues our vision to support high quality open access digital infrastructure capable of supporting Smart City applications and services. We are excited to expand our Californian footprint adjacent to our first investment in the City of Fullerton and look forward to providing high-speed internet to all residents and businesses across Placentia”.
Placentia is the third city to be funded by the Smart City Infrastructure Fund, SiFi Networks’ partnership. The first, Fullerton FiberCity® has now connected its first customers, with construction in Salem, MA set to start soon and several more cities are in the near term pipeline. The Smart City Infrastructure Fund is funded by APG, the largest pension delivery organization in the Netherlands, and managed by Whitehelm Capital, one of the world’s most experienced, independently owned infrastructure managers.