Saratoga Springs FiberCity®, NYFrequently Asked Questions

  • Who is SiFi Networks?

    SiFi Networks is an international network developer, who funds, builds and operates community wide state of the art fiber networks enabling Internet Service Providers to deliver next generation applications including superfast internet, video and phone.


  • Is SiFi Networks the Internet Service Provider?

    No, SiFi Networks is not the Internet Service Provider we partnered with exceptional Internet Service Provider GigabitNow who have excellent customer service and competitive pricing.


  • What services will they be offering?

    They will be offering a range of different services from 100MB to 10G. You will be able to choose from internet only to triple play (internet, video and phone).

  • How is the project being built?

    You’ll see micro-conduit being buried in either a small incision at the side of the roadway, or in the greenspace behind the curb or next to the sidewalk.


  • Can you fix my driveway cracks?

    Unfortunately, we are unable to offer this service as it is not a city restoration project.

  • Do I need a new TV and Computer to receive service?

    No, you can continue to use your existing TV and computer.

  • Can I still park in the street during construction?

    Yes, as long as the area isn’t coned off with orange cones. If it is then there is still an activity that needs to be completed.


  • Are Tax payer dollars paying for this?

    No. This is a privately funded project with no tax payer’s dollars used.

  • Who do I call if I want to sign up for service?

    You can get in touch directly with your Internet Service Provider GigabitNow.

  • How long will the construction last on my street?

    The construction is fast and efficient, the complete process will take just a few days.

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