LearnAbout Us

SiFi Networks under its FiberCity® brand funds, builds and operates city wide, open access, 100% fiber networks across the US.

Our state of the art networks enable service providers to deliver dozens of internet and next generation applications to residents and businesses not only offering them more choice and better customer service but faster more reliable internet.

A FiberCity® network is about more than just a gig of internet, it can drive economic development, close the digital divide and provide a city with Smart City connectivity, laying the foundations for cities to thrive for generations to come. 

Benefits ofOpen Access

  • Dig Once

    Dig Once

    We construct one network for all service providers negating the need to overbuild which courses extensive damage and repeat disruption to cities.
  • One Network for all Providers

    One Network for all Providers

    The network has unlimited capacity for internet and next generation services now and forever
  • Sustainable


    You will only ever need a FiberCity® network for all current and future needs, our network is resilient and reliable and designed in such a way it has superfluous capacity.
  • 10 GIG Enabled

    10 GIG Enabled

    Gigabit speeds future proof bandwidth and connectivity for years to come
  • Smart City

    Smart City

    Enabling Smart City and IoT applications creating great cities to live, work and play in.
  • Increases City Revenues

    Increases City Revenues

    Providing new revenue streams via increased economic development and access to Smart City applications.
  • Privately Funded

    Privately Funded

    Funding, building and operating 100% fiber networks citywide
  •  Boosts Economic Development

    Boosts Economic Development

    Fiber networks drive economic development and provide opportunities for cities to grow.
  • Happy Customers

    Happy Customers

    We promote a healthy, monopolistic playing field for all providers which drives competitive prices and great customer service.
Find out more about how your city can become a FiberCity®

Find out more aboutFiberCities®


If you would like to find out more about FiberCities® contact SiFi Networks TODAY
