Remediationof the Work Area

You will know when we have completed restoration as you will see bio-degradable straw matting that has been put down by us to help the reseeded area grow. We would encourage residents to water the area covered by the straw matting. The matting can be removed and disposed of once grass has grown to about 3-4”. Grass could start growing between 14 and 30 days but could take up to 60 days.

Locate flags can be removed and disposed of once you see the biodegradable matting, this means we have finished on your street.

SiFi Networks is responsible for remediating damage caused by its construction activities.

We put our best efforts in to ensure we remediate our work area to the best of our ability, however if you have any concerns, please contact us.

Reinstatement in the parkway

Reinstatement in the parkway


How you can help restoration of soft scape!

We would encourage residents to water the area covered by the straw matting. The matting can be removed and disposed of once grass has grown to about 3-4”. Grass could start growing between 14 and 30 days but could take up to 60 days.

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