Salem Construction Trial Completed

salem construction trial

Monday, November 30, 2020

The City of Salem has seen the first glimpse of how SiFi Networks intends to deploy its open access fiber network.

SiFi Networks has completed a construction trial which is a practise run ahead of construction starting on the citywide network in Spring next year.

The trial involves a very small area of the city and will see micro trenching along both gutter lines in the street. The micro trench machine will move quickly through the trial area causing little disruption.

Once the trial is complete, SiFi Networks will look towards next year when teams will be mobilized to deploy the citywide network.

“We are excited to be in the ground in Salem, this is the first step to delivering a next generation fiber network that will benefit Salem’s residents and businesses for generations to come” Commented Ben Bawtree-Jobson, CEO SiFi Networks.