The Benefits of a Fiber Christmas
Thursday, December 08, 2016
Holiday season is upon us and our bandwidth is feeling the strain. From online shopping to snow days we need the support of fiber internet.
Christmas shopping traditionally begins on black Friday and this year a new online record was set with around $3.4 billion being spent on Cyber Monday alone. Last year desktop retail e-commerce spending over the holiday period in the US amounted to $56.43 billion
This year it has been reported that digital spending in the US is expected to increase by 25% but what is driving the increase?
People have far less disposable time and the choice that is presented online and the competitive pricing strategies retailers set to compete against each other causes people to do more online research to ensure they are getting the right product at the right price.
However, our internet has to stand up to a lot more than just online shopping. Internet usage is at its highest in the run up to Christmas. Many households can relate to a house full of children playing on new games they received for Christmas, Dad checking his work email, Mum video calling friends on the other side of the country. Not to mention the influx of guests checking their social media throughout their stay.
With internet usage now at the forefront of daily life, a fast home internet connection is crucial to a frustration free holiday season where everyone in the family can access their online requirements without latency.
This may be a struggle for some households, however if you are a fiber household you will be reaping the benefits from devices and services working simultaneously.