SiFi Networks Invited to Speak at IKT’S International Conference
Sunday, September 07, 2014
SiFi Networks has been invited to speak at the IKT’s 20th anniversary international conference being held in Germany on the 17th-18th September.
The conference will see IKT and its partners present the latest results of extensive research which has been carried out over the past year, attracting leading experts in wastewater infrastructure from around the world.
IKT is an internationally renowned and recognized independent, non for profit institute, specializing in sewer infrastructure. Their aim is to develop scientifically sound evidence for an economical, technically innovative, environmentally, people friendly construction rehabilitation and maintenance of transmission networks.
SiFi Networks commissioned IKT to undertake rigorous testing of its Wastewater Fiber Technology (WTF) in order to further prove its resilience in the harshest of environments and importantly its limited impact on the functionality of the existing sewer lines that the WFT is installed within.
Ben Bawtree Jobson, CEO at SiFi Networks will be giving the presentation on SiFi Networks and their experience of working with the IKT, as well as details on their Wastewater Fiber Technology.
“We feel extremely privileged to have been asked by an institute of IKT’s distinction to present at their conference” Ben Bawtree-Jobson commented.
“Working with institutes such as IKT provides invaluable research and engineering assistance to further develop our technologies and enable us to advance our capabilities throughout the world” added Ben.