SiFi Networks Invites EOI from ISPs to serve the City of Mesa, AZ
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
SiFi Networks has been selected by the City of Mesa to build its Fiber-to-the-Premise network and is now inviting Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to submit their interest in accessing this citywide Open Access “FiberCity®” network, to provide internet services.
This is a fantastic opportunity for selected* ISPs who can provide exceptional broadband service to the over 500,000 residents and businesses in Mesa without having to finance, build or manage the network themselves.
As the pioneer and leader of Open Access networks in the United States, SiFi Networks provides ISPs with the best opportunity to gain more subscribers with the ability to deliver speeds of up to 10gbps across a fully redundant network built for resilience and delivered under SLA.
Under SiFi Networks’ model, ISPs have no capital costs to access new markets; rather they enjoy a low wholesale rate on a per subscriber, per month basis. SiFi Networks is not an ISP and will never compete with its ISP Partners; choosing instead to support its’ FiberCity® Partners with sales and marketing, community relations support and ROEs.
Ensuring equal access for the entire community, SiFi Networks will build its FiberCity® network across the entire city. Furthermore, a discounted rate will be available to lower income addresses; this is subsidized by SiFi Networks without any publicly available funds which ISPs can also claim for qualifying addresses.
For more information, contact george@sifinetworks.com
*Selection criteria applies